Thursday 18 October 2007

Autumn has finally arrived in all its glorious technicolour and the temperature has dropped to go with it, ahh well! Life continues to be hectic in the run up to Christmas and my diary is getting fuller and fuller. If you want to find a stress free way of Christmas shopping then do check out my website and also this fab new website that I have discovered which is - the most gorgeous toys etc.

The new autumn range has arrived in at Barefoot but my favourite just has to be Portside Pirates and I will endeavour to feature it on this page so watch this space!!

Thursday 13 September 2007

It doesn't seem like five minutes since I last wrote on my blog but was horrified to realise that it was actually back in July so apologies to everyone. We have had an eventful summer (?) to say the least but now the short people and not so short people are back at school things are settling down!! He who thinks he should be obeyed has decided to retrain as an accountant and has just started back to university after 20+ years. I think he feels very old now. We have a new addition to the family, Millie, who is a little black scottie dog, photos to follow.

On the work side of life, I am getting geared up for the Christmas rush and am getting very excited about the new stock that is coming into the Barefoot warehouse. I will be featuring some of my favourites so watch this space.

Monday 23 July 2007

Sanity Needed

Well we are well into the summer holidays up here in Scotland even if the weather doesn't agree and he who thinks he should be obeyed is going to get the fire going tonight. I am trying to arrange details for a big country fair that myself Emma and Lynne are doing down in Cumbria at the beginning of August as well as trying to potty train my 3 year old son!! Glutton for punishment methinks but any tips for this momentous challenge will be much appreciated as boys seem to be very different from girls!!!!

Thursday 7 June 2007

What a week!

I don't know where the time has gone since my last post. It has been a crazy week for me trying to fit everything in - work, family, mum's taxi service and a mercy dash down south and back!! I went to a local business networking evening last Thursday and we were given a talk on Sales which has really motivated me and also made me aware of the importance of follow up calls afterwards so I highly recommend trying to find a similar group in your area as you can meet some really interesting people and future customers.

The sun is shining up here in the glens of Scotland so am away to enjoy it as it doesn't always last for long!!

Monday 28 May 2007


Well this is my first entry on my new blog and am feeling very impressed with myself thus far!! The little ones are tucked up on the sleepy express and "he who thinks he should be obeyed" has gone off to watch the football leaving yours truly in peace and quiet which is fab!


Hello and welcome to my blog, please bear with me as I am quite new to this but hope you find it interesting and entertaining!!! Please do explore all the links on my blog and I would love to get feedback about what you think of it!

See you soon
